Awesome, yet Impractical: Boosting/Diving becomes this with Super Sonic.Another Side, Another Story: The Babylon Rogues version of the plot.Thanks to the nature of the racetracks, a shift in the gravitational pull as you fall will often times be just enough to toss you to safety if you were to whiff smaller jumps and even some big jumps that cover a relatively small horizontal distance.You won't get any GP from it, but at least you won't throw yourself into a pit.

As a precaution against overshot Gravity Dives, there's a barrier at the end of the track that will automatically launch anyone still in the air into an X level trick so they can still make the jump.

One day, several meteors falls to the earth, falling into the hands of Team Sonic and the mysterious MeteorTech corporation. Sonic Riders: Zero Gravity is the second game of the Sonic Riders franchise.