I am very fortunate to have a full load of classes to teach (three per semester) and they are all different and interesting. I work alone, but teaching takes care of the loneliness.

How do you deal with the long stretches of being by yourself all the time? Illustration life can get a bit lonely and isolating. I used to have a home office and a studio downtown, but I have simplified everything and I’m happier for it! I live in North Carolina and have an office on the campus of the University of North Carolina School of the Arts, where I do my illustration work. Where do you live? What’s your workspace like? I also studied drawing, painting and printmaking at Yale and The University of Rennes 2, in France, and was lucky enough to take part in a week of the Illustration Academy as a professional student with Gary Kelley, who is my hero in the business. I have a BFA in painting and minor in French from the University of North Carolina, Greensboro. Where did you study art? What’s your degree in? Any particular formal training? Thanks for agreeing to the interview, Kyle! First, the basics. He’s also well known as the creator of Kyle’s Brushes, which brings realistic, high-quality brushes to Photoshop.

Kyle’s an illustrator and educator whose clients include The New Yorker, Time, The NY Times, IDEO, NPR, The Atlantic, WIRED, Microsoft, ESPN, Krispy Kreme, BBDO, The Wall Street Journal, Scholastic, Simon and Schuster, and The Washington Post to name a select few. In the first of my new recurring interviews feature, I’m happy to welcome Kyle T.